
Oštenjena:06. 06 . 2021.
Priznanja: Međunarodne izložbe pasa CACIB, Vršac, 2022, 5
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Ime:Atila | Bobi
Oštenjen:14. 04 . 2016.
Priznanja: VII Nacionalna izložba pasa svih rasa - CAC, CAC
Detaljnije o ocu...

Na prodaju štenci šampionskog porekla, stabilnog karaktera i sjajnog temperamenta. Oštenjeni 05. 04. 2024. Za preuzimanje će biti spremni od 24. 06. 2024. Štenci u novi dom odlaze sa pedigreom, očišćeni od parazita, sa primljene dve doze vakcine.

Ukratko o rasi: Mađarska vižla je vrlo aktivan pas, pa je stoga pogodan za aktivne ljude. Vrlo inteligentni i vispreni, uvek spremni za avanturu! Izuzetno odani svom čoveku, imaju potrebu da su stalno uz njega. Zbog toga, ali i zbog osetijivosti na vremenske uslove, ovu pasminu je preporučljivo držati u domu.


For sale: Puppies of champion lineage, with stable character and excellent temperament.

Born on April 5, 2024. Ready for pickup from June 24th, 2024. Puppies will come with a pedigree, parasite-free, having received two doses of vaccine. There are 4 males and 4 females available.

More details about the father (Atila) and mother (Alba) of the puppies and their achievements can be found in the Moja vižla section.

Brief breed recap: The Hungarian Vizsla is a very active dog, making it suitable for active people. Highly intelligent and agile, always ready for adventure! Extremely loyal to their human, they have a need to be constantly by their side. Therefore, due to their sensitivity to weather conditions, this breed is recommended to be kept indoors.

For all other information, please call +381 63 8555 865 or contact us via email:

Muških stenaca: 0
Ženskih stenaca: 0
Cena: Na upit

Kontakt podaci:

Odgajivač:Sanja Kostić
Adresa:Karpatska 49

Kontakt podaci:

Odgajivač:Sanja Kostić
Adresa:Karpatska 49